
Alice Rothchild is a retired obstetrician-gynecologist who worked in the health care reform and women’s movements for many years. She directed a documentary film and is now writing and speaking, and blogs when inspired or particularly outraged by the state of the world.

Since 1997, she has focused much of her energy on understanding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Finding Melody Sullivan

A novel by Alice Rothchild.

For more information check out:

Old Enough to Know

A new novel by Alice Rothchild.

For more information check out:

When librarians and teachers who include Palestinians in their work are falsely attacked as antisemitic, the consequences can be devastating. As education and speech have become so politicized, it makes sense to ask: If I am falsely accused of antisemitism, how can I defend myself?

The purpose of this toolkit is to explain how false accusations of antisemitism are used to silence Palestinians and their allies in struggles against racism and colonialism.

I sat down for an in depth conversation with Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son: The Journey of an Israeli in Palestine and Injustice: The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five and an Israeli born into a legendary military family who became a major Palestine solidarity activist.


A new poem by Alice Rothchild, set in1975 Beth Israel Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

The thing is at mobiusmagazine.com

So excited to share my first published poem. I am working on a memoir in verse for young adults, exploring my childhood in the 1950s and 60s and my development as a feminist physician and activist. This poem is part of that (growing) collection.

Nuclear Daffodils at arielchart.com

Thoughts on walking by rippling grey water under a darkened sky

Two new poems by Alice Rothchild on writersresist.com: Writers Resist is a feminist literary collective born of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. We publish creative expressions of resistance by diverse writers and artists from around the globe.

Other publications

Condition Critical: Life and Death in Israel/Palestine.
A curated collection of blog essays and analysis.

Extraordinary Rendition: (American)
Alice Rothchild has penned a poem in this book titled “Inspired by a Poem from the First Intifada”.

A collection of stories, poems, and drawings by young people in Gaza. Alice Rothchild wrote the epilogue. Book is translated into German.

What Jerusalem Means To Us – Jewish Perspectives and Reflections

The book addresses the intimate and unique connections among Jews, Judaism, and Jerusalem along a variety of dimensions – religious, spiritual, historical, cultural, political, psychological, and social.

Alice Rothchild has a chapter in this book.

Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism:

Stories of Personal Transformation, edited by Carolyn Karcher.
Interview with Carolyn Karcher. Book review by Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman

Alice Rothchild has an essay in this book called: “Choosing a different path”

Shetterly portrait of Alice Rothchild

Dr. Alice Rothchild


Robert Shetterly unveiled his portrait of Alice Rothchild as part of his Americans Who Tell the Truth series with celebration, presentations and singing.

September 2015, A Special Kind of Exile
by Alice Rothchild, AMEU Volume 48 , Issue 4

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Voice Across the Divide

Check out the documentary film exploring the little known history of the Israel/Palestine conflict through family stories of Palestinians in the US.

Learn more about the documentary

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