Lessons from the Field: Reports from Civil Rights Delegation to Palestine

location: First Church Cambridge UCC, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge MA, This Forum will be held in the Hastings Room with lunch provided. 

contact: Rev. Rebee Girash at rgirash@firstchurchcambridge.org or Karlene Griffiths Sekou at karlene.griffiths.sekou@gmail.com.


In October of 2012 an historic delegation of leaders from the nonviolent U.S. Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, younger civil and human rights leaders, and social justice activists traveled to East Jerusalem and the West Bank to meet with leaders of the Palestinian nonviolent resistance movement and their Israeli allies.


The Palestine-Israel Task Team of FCC invites you to join four members of the delegation – Dr. Paula Rayman, Dr. Alice Rothchild, Rev. Osagyefo Sekou and Rabbi Joseph Berman – for a report from their travels to Israel/Palestine. They will share what they learned from the Palestinians and Israelis working courageously, creatively, and non-violently to end the occupation and bring into being a new society based on justice and the humanity of all. The presentation will be followed by Q & A and discussion.


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