Shabes dinner and a movie: support the activists in our community

The Middle East Working Group of the Boston Workmen’s Circle presents:

Three of our own Boston Workmen’s Circle members are involved with projects related to Israel/Palestine peace and reconciliation.
Come out and get a preview of what they’re doing
and support them in their efforts.

location: Boston Workmen’s Circle building
1762 Beacon St, Brookline, Ma

Bring a dish to share (home made or store bought) dinner 6:30 to 7:30

Ken Winikur – has 2 boys in the BWC Shule. He is making a film with Ben
Avishai called J STREET It brings viewers to the front lines of the US debate on Middle East policy as they track a young, progressive lobby group taking on the establishment and fighting for change. (

Alice Rothchild – former shule parent & MEWG member – with a book out on Jewish & Palestinian narratives she is now completing a film Voices Across the Divide, an oral history documenting the stories of the conflict through Palestinian family stories. (

Eben Weitzman – former shule parent and BWC member – is Chair, Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance at UMass-Boston – he will introduce us to Ultimate Peace, a group who through the unique structure of Ultimate Frisbee and its growing popularity brings together Palestinian and Israeli Arab & Jewish youth in dialog and conflict resolution training. (

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