Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
Please join MVPR & our co-sponsors in welcoming:
Dr. Alice Rothchild
Finding a Just Peace in Israel-Palestine
location: University of Southern Maine, Portland Campus, University Events Room
7th floor of Glickman Library
contact: 207.239.8060
Free & open to the public; however, donations help us continue our work & are gratefully accepted!
Light refreshments will be served
Amnesty International, Colby College Student Chapter
Chaplaincy Institute of Maine (ChIME)
Churches for Middle East Peace, Maine
Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Maine
First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church
Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks
Multicultural Students’ Association of USM
Partners for World Health
Pax Christi Maine
Peace Action Maine
Portland Friends Meeting
Social Action Committee of Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church
Social Justice & Peace Commission of Sacred Heart/St. Dominic Church