August 2019
I can’t support an ideology grounded in Jewish privilege and persecution of Palestinians
by Alice Rothchild,
You can also find articles by Alice Rothchild on
Click here for information about the documentary
“Voices Across the Divide” by Alice Rothchild and Sharon Mullally
-July 2017
Radiation and ringworm: a tale of social policy, racism, and health care
by Alice Rothchild,
-May 2017
Between Life and Death: The Propaganda of anti-BDS Campaigns
by Alice Rothchild,
-May 2017
A tale of two cities
by Alice Rothchild,
-March 2017
A Victory for the First Amendment
by Alice Rothchild,
-February 2017
Donald Trump’s Authoritarian Presidency Is Emboldening the Israeli Far Right
by Alice Rothchild,
-May 2016
Divestment an appropriate response to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians
by Alice Rothchild,
-January 2016
Small victories
by Alice Rothchild,
-January 2016
Netanyahu at War, Stuck in the Dominant Paradigm
by Alice Rothchild,
-September 2015
A Special Kind of Exile
by Alice Rothchild, AMEU Volume 48 , Issue 4
click here to download a pdf version
-August 2015
OPPRESSED PALESTINIANS, Rothchild: The problem with justice in Israel
by Alice Rothchild, Richmond Times-Dispatch (
-July 2015
What Happened When I Was Grilled by Israeli Media About the Sanction Movement Against Israel
by Alice Rothchild (
A reflection on being interviewed by Ulpan Shishi in Israel
-July 2015
Anniversaries: Who counts?
by Alice Rothchild (
This discusses memoricide and the war in Gaza
-July 2015
Freud meets Palestine
by Alice Rothchild (
Explores an international psychoanalytic conference working group on I/P which screened Alice’s film after a panel presentation
-April 2013
Lessons from the civil rights movement on an important anniversary
by Alice Rothchild (opinion piece on
-January 2013
Teargassed in the Holy Land
by Alice Rothchild
Green Olive Tours 2012 Travel Writing Competition, third place.
–Blogging from Israel/Palestine, January 2011 entries
CLICK HERE to read all blog posts from the trip
-December 2012
Jewish-Only Communities, Imprisoned Palestinians: What an African-American Delegation Witnessed in the Holy Land
by Alice Rothchild
-November 2012
Mideast peace – one chick pea at a time
by Alice Rothchild
-July 2012Avidgor’s Ascent, page 37
by Alice Rothchild, published in Journal of Palestinian Refugee Studies
-June 2011
Taking on TIAA-CREF, with pain and outrage
by Alice Rothchild, published at
-May 2011
by Alice Rothchild, published at
-June 2010
No Borders, by Alice Rothchild, published at
-February 2010
Alice Rothchild writing from Hebron, from a trip to Israel/Palestine
-June 2010
No Borders, by Alice Rothchild, published at
-Nov 2007
“A Docs Rx for Mideast Peace”click here for the article by Carol Towarnicky, 2007
-June 2009
“Does Jewish Secularism have a Future?”click here for the article from Jewish Currents, Autumn, 2009
-June 2009
“Lieberman’s ascent has roots in over 60 years of Israeli history”
click here for the article at
-May 2009
“Avigdor’s Ascent”
click here for the article at
-January/February 2009 issue
Jewish Currents, The Magazine of the Workmen’s Circle/ Arbeter Ring click here for the article
Remembering Hilda Silverman
by Alice Rothchild, Co-chair, Jewish Voice for Peace, Boston
Contributor in the forthcoming book “Shifting Sands:
Jewish-American Women Speak Out Against the Occupation”
-November 2008
“There Are No More Secrets Here: Medical Professionals
Protest Being Denied Entry to Gaza”
click here for the article at
-August 2008
“The Invisible Cost”
click here for the article at
-May 14, 2008
click here for the article at
-April 2, 2008
Returning to Nablus: Collateral damage
Alice Rothchild, The Electronic Intifada
Salt Lake Tribune
–November 2007 click here for the article
-November 17, 2007
The Judaization of East Jerusalem
Alice Rothchild, The Electronic Intifada
-March/April 2007 “Perils and Victories Crossing the Divide”
published in Jewish Currents
-September 30, 2006 “Mideast chaos, grief resound in the air”
published in The Boston Globe
-August 19, 2005 “Stress, trauma strain Palestinians”
published in The Baltimore Sun
-March 06, 2004 “Pitching in for health on the West Bank”
published in The Boston Globe
-October 18, 2003 “Wrestling with an old demon”
published in The Boston Globe
-September/October 2003 “Up Against the Wall. How Israel’s Separation Wall Blocks the Road Map to Peace”
published in Jewish Currents
-September 14, 2002 “For American Jews, mixed allegiances”
published in The Boston Globe
-September 24, 2001 “Caught in the anguish”
Op-Ed, published in The Boston Globe