Jewish Panel Explores Israel/Palestine Conflict

A panel of Jewish Americans will examine the Israel/Palestine conflict in a discussion at the First Parish in Bedford, Unitarian-Universalist.  Recognizing that American Jews have a greater stake in this conflict than the rest of us, and are perceived to hold greater influence on political decisions about aid to Israel, the First Parish Peace & Justice Committee has invited several prominent Jewish citizens to discuss their perspectives on this timely and divisive topic.

Panelists are expected to be:

Dr. Alice Rothchild is a physician, author, activist, and filmmaker.  She practices gynecology at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates and is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.  She has worked in the health care reform and women’s movements for many years.  Since 1997, she has focused much of her energy on understanding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.  She is the author of the book “Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience”, and this summer will complete a documentary film “Voices Across the Divide”.


David Friedman has BS and MS EE degrees from RPI and NYU,   a Masters in Business from MIT, and has worked as a technical contributor at Bell Labs,  Link Singer, and Computervision (in Bedford) where he was a founder and Vice President.  He has worked as a fund raiser and member of the Allocations Committee for the Combined Jewish Philanthropies,  served on national board of directors of the American Technion Association (Supports and raises funds for the Technion in Haifa Israel), as President of its New England Region, and currently serves on the International Board of Governors of Technion University.  He has two nephews and a niece who live in Israel.


Dr. Gustav Papanek is President of the Boston Institute for Developing Economies,  Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the Department of Economics of Boston University, and has over 50 years of experience in the economics of developing nations.  He was a Director of the Development Advisory Service, and on the faculty of the Department of Economics of Harvard University.  He spent many years living and working as economic advisor in nations having large  Muslim populations, including Egypt, Pakistan, and Indonesia.  He has also visited Israel and Palestine a number of times.

Location:  Bedford Unitarian-Universalist: The First Parish church is on the Bedford, MA Town Common, 75 Great Road (Routes 4, 62, and 225).

For more information call  Sue McCombs 781-275-5385 or Brown Pulliam 781-275-0090



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